Remembering a ‘silly old bear’

Remembering a ‘silly old bear’

OK, so, yes, I admit it, I am a fan of Winnie the Pooh, and today as I write this, I am feeling somewhat whimsical and would like to lighten things up just a bit. The lovable storybook character brought to life by A.A. Milne somewhere along the way seeped into my...
Imagining island life

Imagining island life

The creak is a distinctive sound— wooden oars kiss the oarlocks, wood rubs green bronze and squeals before it settles into a silent groove. A stroke, pause, water drips and then another stroke. Head moves side-to-side, wary and cautious.  A cadence forms between boat...
Missing hugs and handshakes

Missing hugs and handshakes

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend, and he asked how I was faring in this time of uncertainty. I said I was doing all right, but that I have found I really miss handshakes and hugs. He laughed as he found it amusing. I laughed, too, but I still...
Homage to seagulls both real and fictional

Homage to seagulls both real and fictional

“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly.” — Richard Bach Seagulls are ubiquitous to the coast of Maine.  As a boy, seagulls always made me...
Here’s to hope!

Here’s to hope!

E.B. White is a writer I have always admired. The celebrated essayist, columnist, and beloved children’s author is also a writer I try — try as I might — to emulate by making feeble attempts to use words the way he did. This holiday season was different. The entire...